
Home Feedback



Soft skills 2 min

What is feedback?

Feedback is a reaction to a product, action or a person’s performance.

Types of feedback

Positive feedback:

When positive feedback is provided?

  • Helps increase confidence;
  • Motivates the person receiving it;
  • It gives the certainty that you are on the right track.
  • When good work, successful projects and dedicated skills deserve recognition and appreciation;
  • If you’re looking to inspire someone and boost their confidence in their abilities.

Negative feedback:

What is the impact of negative feedback?

  • It is the process of pointing out a mistake made by someone;
  • A criticism, a non-constructive reaction.
  • It demotivates the person receiving it;
  • It lowers that person’s motivation and morale;
  • It does not add any value as long as it does not become constructive.

Constructive feedback:

What is the impact of constructive feedback?

  • Vital for continued development;
  • It is offered for the purpose of correcting and improving a person’s work;
  • It comes with a solution.
  • It helps you understand what you do well and what you don’t and where you need help;
  • It helps you to understand what improvements are needed to correct mistakes and develop;
  • It helps you improve your performance and grow professionally.

What do you do when you get feedback?

1. Listen actively:
  • Maintain eye contact;
  • Keep your body language open;
  • Summarise what you heard;
  • Ask for clarification (if necessary).
2. Manifest curiosity:
  • Try not to object or disagree with the information received while the interlocutor is speaking, even if the feedback is wrong or unfounded;
  • There is only one appropriate response to constructive criticism and that is “Thank you”.

What do you do after you get feedback?

  • Try to understand the feedback;
  • Try to apply the received feedback.

How to understand feedback

  • Clarify with the person from whom the feedback was received;
  • You ask yourself or your colleagues questions to understand the information you receive.

How to apply the received feedback

  • Whether you ask other colleagues for help or do it yourself, applying feedback requires developing a plan;
  • Put the plan into practice, working a little each day towards the end goal;
  • Evaluate the results.

3 steps of how to ask for feedback

  1. Find the right person;
  2. Check availability;
  3. Ask, listen, evaluate, apply feedback.

Why is feedback important?

  • Clarify expectations;
  • Help people learn from their mistakes;
  • Helps build and strengthen self-confidence.

More details can be found in the attached file.


Understanding the power of feedback: This course explores different types of feedback and their impact, emphasizing the importance of constructive feedback for personal and professional development.

