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Rubik School

The community that nurtures children’s love of learning and autonomy alongside which, starting with 2022 we are increasing life skills of children.

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Adapting to new realities

The Institute’s actions in our new reality ​ Volunteers have united from all cities in common groups and have worked together to be able to deliver online trainings and workshops​

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Life skills for children

Starting in March, 2023, Alongside Rubik School, we have implemented 2 online courses about Public speaking and Financial education.

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Ana și Copiii

They mobilize day by day numerous and diverse resources, but also people with a love of doing to help vulnerable children to stay with their families and to go as far as possible in their educational stages.

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Adapting to new realities

The Institute’s actions in our new reality ​ Volunteers have united from all cities in common groups and have worked together to be able to deliver online trainings and workshops​

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Digital month

3 days at Ana și copiii NGO centers to discover the tools that a kid can use on the computer.

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Ateliere fără frontiere

15 years of reintegrating vulnerable people into the labour market with care for the environment through 4 specific workshops: Educlick, Remesh, Bio&Co and Logietic.

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Adapting to new realities

The Institute’s actions in our new reality ​ Volunteers have united from all cities in common groups and have worked together to be able to deliver online trainings and workshops​

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A charitable shop which is increasing the accessibility of people from Bucharest from unprivileged communities to a better life.

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Adapting to new realities

The Institute’s actions in our new reality ​ Volunteers have united from all cities in common groups and have worked together to be able to deliver online trainings and workshops​

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Weekly activities with Ukrainian kids

The beginning of the year 2022 brought for Stefanini Institute a full devotement regarding Ukrainian kids integration, in order to assure a continuation of education for them, as refugees. […]

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